Mark Begich

Will Running Against The Koch Brothers Help The Democrats In November?

By now you've probably noticed that the Democratic base's antipathy towards the fascist-leaning Koch brothers has been adopted by Harry Reid and is becoming standard fare in Democratic Party strategies against the "Koch-addict" Republicans. If you're wondering what's behind the new-found populism from the Democratic Establishment, Ashley Parker explained it for NY Times readers last week.

Yes, There Are Still NRA Shills Among Congressional Democrats

Few are as blatant and tone deaf as John Barrow (New Dem/Blue Dog-GA), but there are Democrats firmly allied with the NRA in both the House and Senate. In fact, four of them in the Senate-- Mark Pryor (AR), Heidi Heitkamp (ND), Mark Begich (AK), and Max Baucus (MT)-- just got unpleasant wakeup calls on the issue from Michael Bloomberg.

DSCC Getting Its Dream Candidate, Joe Miller, Against Begich In Alaska?

DSCC & Tea Party agree Joe Miller should be the GOP nominee. The GOP... not so muchIn the Quinnipiac poll released yesterday, voters across the country were clear that after weeks of intense right-wing propaganda and Establishment media drummed up poutrage, the GOP Scandalpalooza isn't as important to anyone as it is to deranged Republicans.