Marie Newman

Is The DCCC Blacklist Backfiring?

The Republican wing of the Democratic PartyA reminder: As soon as Blue Dog/New Dem Cheri Bustos grabbed the DCCC chair for herself, she instituted an aggressive new policy aimed at progressives challenging Blue Dogs and New Dems (like herself). She officially declared that any campaign consultants, vendors, polling firms, strategists or operatives who worked for a campaign running against an incumbent would be blacklisted by the DCCC.

Is The Democratic Party More Than Just A Vehicle For Careerist Politicians? AOC Endorses Marie Newman Against Lipinski

On Monday I asked my Twitter followers if it is enough for a candidate to just be a Democrat fighting a Republican. A slight plurality said no. Only 16% said "yes, for sure," and another 25% said they would vote for the garden variety Democrat but not contribute to their campaign.

Courage In Politics Is Rare-- And Sorely Needed

Birds of a feather... Lipinski and BustosIn 2018, it was shocking when incumbents in Congress, led by Jan Schakowsky in the House and Bernie in the Senate came out and endorsed progressive Democratic reformer Marie Newman in a Chicagoland primary that pitted her against longtime incumbent, reactionary Dan Lipinski, an anti-Choice, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-healthcare Republican-lite Blue Dog.

The DNC And DCCC-- Always Eager To Cede The Moral High Ground

I want to reference Tom's post from Thursday, a reminder of how the DNC's attorneys told a court that "We do not owe voters an impartial or evenhanded primary election." It was part of a DNC defense of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her DNC cronies-- many of whom are still part of the DNC-- stealing the presidential nominat

There Are Members Of Congress Who Don't Understand The Urgency Of The Climate Crisis-- Take Cheri Bustos And "Energy Expert" Sean Casten

Bustos and Casten-- Climate IncrementalistsCorporate Dems in Illinois really are spearheading the effort to keep the fossil fuel industry alive. New Dems, Blue Dogs and Vote-For-Sale Democrats are moving quickly to normalize false "solutions" to the climate crisis and to make them acceptable to the public.

Embarrassingly, Pelosi And Hoyer Led Most House Democrats Away From Impeachment... Here's How A Cross Section Of House Candidates Responded

In 2018, corrupt conservative, Darren Soto, pretended he was a progressive during his primary battle with Alan Grayson. After he won, he stopped pretending and admitted he's a member of the right-of-center, Wall Street owned and operated New Dems. Yesterday, like virtually all the New Dems, Soto voted against impeaching Trump. It reminded me on one of Grayson's brilliant TV spots which focused on impeachment. Watch closely. The point is simple: "I'll vote for impeachment; Soto won't." And Grayson was... clairvoyant?

The Urgency Of The Climate Crisis Might Not Be Partisan But Is Very Political

One of the big surprises in recent years when I talk with new congressional candidates is the number who tell me that the reason they're running is climate change. The first one who ever told me that was when I spoke with a state Senator in California struggling with the idea of leaving his family behind in his beloved southern California to immerse himself in tawdry Washington by running for Congress.