Mariano Rajoy

Spanish King lines up with Prime Minister to condemn Catalonia

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CATALONIA: Now is the time for dialogue

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Spanish PM says “there was no referendum in Catalonia” – Madrid has passed a point of no return

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Catalonia head charged with of abuse of power over independence referendum

RT | September 29, 2015 The head of the regional government in Catalonia has been indicted for unconstitutionally calling a referendum on independence from Spain last year. This comes just two days after his party and other secessionist forces won a regional election. Recently, Artur Mas has promised his fellow Catalans that if pro-independence parties […]

Spain’s Unfinished Revolution and Its Minorities

By Dani Marinova | Dissident Voice | November 13, 2014 Spain’s deeply rooted distrust of popular participation in democratic processes is reminiscent of the swift, top-down transition some forty years ago. As such, it is a painful reminder of Spain’s unfinished revolution. Spain’s peaceful transition to democracy has been extolled as a model to emulate […]

For Spanish Democracy: Now Is the Time to Demand Reinstatement of the Republic

Spain’s King Juan Carlos put an end to his reign this week. With focus shifting to his son, there is an attempt to reinvigorate an institution intimately linked to the fascist regime of General Franco. In order to break with his legacy and a divided country, Spain’s democrats must now push for the return of the republic more than ever.