Maria Butina

Maria Butina, her crime: A love of the NRA and being Russian (Video)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has communicated to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that Russian national Maria Butina must be set free and allowed to return to Russia, after she was arrested by US officials on dubious spy charges.
Lavrov said that the US should immediately release the Russian gun activist, who is being held in the US on espionage charges, after a phone conversation with his US counterpart.
Lavrov called the charges levied against Butina “fabricated.”

Sex, Guns, and Spycraft: Court Filing Unveils Shocking New Details in Russian Spy Case

(ZHE) Another interesting twist in the investigation of Maria Butina, the alleged Russian spy who tried to infiltrate the NRA and tried to arrange meetings between then-candidate Trump and Russian President Putin, has just been revealed in a new filing by the DOJ in its case against Butina, who is presently sitting in federal custody as […]