Marc Rich

Gerald Ford and the Perversion of Presidential Pardons

American Conservative, December 29, 2020 Gerald Ford and the Perversion of Presidential Pardons by James Bovard In pardoning Nixon, the 38th president opened the floodgates to boundless executive power. In his final weeks in office, President Donald Trump is outraging the media and many critics with deluges of dubious pardons. Last Tuesday was “No Corrupt […]

Zionist Power: Swindlers and Impunity, Traitors and Pardons

We work so hard to establish ourselves and to get where we are and to have somebody (Jonathan Pollard) screw it up… and then have Jewish organizations line up behind this guy and try to make him out a hero of the Jewish people, it bothers the hell out of me…
— Admiral Sumner Shapiro, US Navy Rear Admiral who served as Director of the Office of Naval Intelligence (1978-82), Washington Post, 6/16/2008

The Doctrine of ‘Superior People’: The Bond between Israel and World Zionism

By James Petras :: 09.04.2015 Introduction The single greatest feat of Israel and its overseas missions has not been material success, or the military conquest of millions of unarmed Palestinians, it has been ideological – the widespread acceptance in the US of a doctrine that claims ‘Jews are a superior people.’ Apart from small extremist […]