
Obama Commuted Manning’s Sentence

21st Century Wire says…
In yet another interesting end of term move, Obama has commuted Bradley/Chelsea Manning’s sentence. He is now scheduled to be released in May of 2017 rather than 2045.
Is this a power play against Trump? A potential ‘call of bluff’ to Julian Assange, who’s said he would turn himself over to the US courts if Obama frees Manning?
Adam Garrie of The Duran brings some interesting analysis to the table in the article below.

Congress' Most Corrupt Member Thinks Chelsea Manning Got Off Too Lightly

Just over a year ago, we reported how House Armed Services Committee chairman Buck McKeon had a serious conflict of interest stemming form the 6-figure gambling debts he had racked up in Sheldon Adelson's Las Vegas casino. This is especially dangerous in light of Adelson's status as a billionaire being completely in the hands of the Chinese government.