Manchurian President

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWith the Friday night news that the FBI, shortly after President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, had opened an investigation into whether or not President Trump was working on behalf of Russia, I was torn between ruefully laughing or shaking my fist at the TV as corporate commentators offered up the possibility that, although this looks really bad, the possibility exists that Trump was just stupid and not

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt took 60 years but the Russians finally got their inside man in Manchurian President Trump. They cultivated him for years. He was only the best man that rubles could buy but, with the help of his Republican Party, that has been more than enough. Back in the early 1950s Republikooks like Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy thought the State Department was full of pro-Russian assets, agents and sympathizers.