Manchurian candidate

Violent Racists: White AND Black

By Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgI have returned from the Sandpoint, Idaho conference this past weekend, where Oklahoma native Justin Cottrell, who now resides in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho with his family, presented a visual slide program based on his excellent book, Black Serial Killer.To briefly summarize what many of you may already know, Whites are vastly

Roof’s Storm of Bloodshed in Charleston

A STORM OF BLOODSHED IN THE 33rd DEGREEBy Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgDylann Storm Roof was shown in the national media with a Confederate States of America license plate on June 18, the day which began with the breaking news that the US Supreme Court had upheld the ban on Confederate license plates by the state of Texas (as far as those plates being issued by the state itself).