
THE COLUMN: Post-Manchester, May’s War on the Internet, ISIS in Philippines, Macron’s Red Line

A powerful program, covering Theresa May’s war on the internet, post-Manchester political revelations, President Duterte takes on ISIS in the Philippines, Macron’s ‘Ligne rouge sur’ in Bilderberg and more. 
UK Column anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest co-host Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley from 21st Century Wire to discuss these and other issues on this edition of the UK Column News. WATCH: 

We Know What Inspired The Manchester Attack, We Just Won’t Admit It

Saudi Arabia Salafist top cleric, Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh, listens to a speech of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at the Consultative Council in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 24, 2009. (AP /Hassan Ammar)
In the wake of the massacre in Manchester, people rightly warn against blaming the entire Muslim community in Britain and the world. Certainly one of the aims of those who carry out such atrocities is to provoke the communal punishment of all Muslims, thereby alienating a portion of them who will then become open to recruitment by Isis and al-Qaeda clones.

The Manchester Bomber Is The Spawn Of Hillary And Barack’s Excellent Libyan Adventure

An armed Libyan rebel shoots an AK-47 at a poster of Muhammar Gaddafi in the captured rebel town of Ras-Lanuf in the east of the country (Photo: Andrey Stenin/Sputnik)
On November 20, 2015, two jihadi militants attacked the Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, Mali, seizing about 100 hostages and “leaving bodies strewed across the building.” When it was over, 22 people (including the attackers) had been killed. As the New York Times reported:

Trump’s reaction to terrorist attacks compared with Obama’s reaction to attacks (Video)

Comparing Trump’s response to the attack at Manchester Arena vs. Obama’s response to San Bernardino and Pulse Nightclub attacks.
The two men’s approach to confronting “radical islamic terrorism” could not be more different.
Obama could not utter the words “radical islamic terrorism.” Trump rebrands them as “losers.
We are still waiting for the day when someone high up will call the terrorists by their other widely used, recognized name… “moderate rebels.” 
The Daily Caller examines the differences in this video short…

Episode #187 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Threat Level: Ludicrous’ with Mike Robinson plus special guests

Episode #187 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this May 28th, 2017 as guest host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week’s LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network
5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12am PT (US)

Manchester Bomber May Have Been Groomed By UK Intelligence

Manchester bomber Salman Abedi (Photo: Twitter)
MANCHESTER — As the worst terrorist attack to hit the United Kingdom since 2005, last week’s bombing of a concert in Manchester has since been a constant fixture of the news cycle both in the UK and abroad. bsent from mainstream media accounts of the event – and the man allegedly behind it – are several key coincidences that have raised concerns, particularly regarding links between British intelligence and the alleged suicide bomber, British-born Salman Abedi.