Manchester Arena

Fake Terrorism and the Genocide Agenda

Paul Cudenec The criminocracy is in danger of losing its carefully-constructed shield of invisibility as it accelerates its deranged bid for total and permanent global control. It is therefore obliged to ramp up its attacks on those who dare expose its existence, its crimes and its lies. While Julian Assange is the most famous victim of its war on …

Ten shocking images captured after the Manchester Arena terrorist attack

The moment of the reported explosion at a Manchester, UK, arena can be seen and heard from this dashcam video.
Keep your eye on the far left of the video to see the flashing light of the bomb blast.

Ariana Grande tweeted that she is “broken” following attack at Manchester Arena, after she had begun to wrap up her show…

from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don’t have words.
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) May 23, 2017