Malcolm Turnbull

Australian Pro-Zionist PM Turnbull’s Jewish Heritage Means He May Be Ineligible To be An MP

Australia is second only to Trump America as a supporter of Apartheid Israel. 7 non-Jewish MPs but not 6 Jewish MPs have been referred to the High Court over Section 44 of the Australian Constitution that makes politicians ineligible to be MPs if they have not renounced entitlement to or actual citizenship of a foreign country. However Australia’s pro-Zionist PM[Read More...]

Loving The Bollard: Turnbull’s Anti-Terror Tool Kit

It has been a week of bollards.  And defence barriers.  And hedges and vegetation. No, not the radio garden hour, or the herbaceous borders special featured on prime time television, delivered by a bearded man with a facial forest so vast it could regenerate several lost species. This is the anti-terrorist flick of the week, and given that Australia’s Turnbull[Read More...]

Mike Pence in Oz

Vassal visiting time, and the next slot in the US imperium tourism schedule was one of America’s more cosy allies, Australia. The US Vice President Mike Pence popped in to keep an eye on matters just to make sure that all was in order.
There had been that issue of the notable phone call, when Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull had been verbally slapped by The Donald over the “dumb” refugee resettlement deal made with the previous Obama administration.

Lap Dog Politicians Fail Australia Yet Again

One of the more profoundly depressing consequences of the aftermath of the American missile attack on the al Shayrat Syrian air base is having to acknowledge how terminally stupid our politicians are.  Either that, or they are so captivated by the dictates of United States foreign policy that they follow blindly in its wake, which is a different kind of stupidity.
Only the independent MP Andrew Wilkie (12 April 2017) and Green spokesperson Scott Ludlum (media release 7 April 2017) have publicly questioned the dominant media narrative.

Trump Dresses Down Australian Prime Minister

In what appears to have been a calculated leak from the highest echelons of the White House, US President Donald Trump reportedly “blasted” Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a phone call last weekend and then abruptly cut off the call. According to the details first published by the Washington Post yesterday, Trump fumed at Turnbull for asking him to[Read More...]

Turnbull as Fantasist: Selling Australia’s Security and Refugee agenda

Island mentalities do not travel well.  When their sellers hawk the agenda before world forums, these start looking ludicrous. Coming close to this ludicrous display is Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, who has done what other Australian prime ministers have in previous years: sell the great discovery, the great hit of life on how best to protect borders in the face of threats.