'Make America Great Again'

In his own words: Elon Musk talks about escaping Crazy California for Texas [Video]

When the most liberal state in the United States becomes too liberal even for a liberal… that is pretty darn liberal. Elon Musk is probably America’s most popular entrepreneur these days. The founder of PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX and the new Boring company (that drills tunnels, not that makes people bored silly), speaks here about his […]

Tucker: We were all lied to about the Coronavirus pandemic [Video]

Tucker Carlson delivered another scathing review of the state of affairs in the United States, with liberal governments actually showing themselves as more and more culpable in the deaths of people precisely because of the coronavirus lockdowns, which were touted as life-saving. His monologue, a ten-minute, absolutely packed commentary, delivered the strongest blow yet to the latest coup attempt in progress. However, he is not saying anything we did not already sense or know. For example:

‘US withdraws from the world’ is Trump making it great or irrelevant again?

Donald Trump promised Americans he would make the US great again, a center of a world that is becoming increasingly multipolar, yet the US appears to be withdrawing from the world at an alarming rate.
The US has found itself increasingly alienated from its traditional allies (and some would say vassals) in the EU.

Vassals no longer: Merkel, Macron advocate European sovereignty