Major Douglas

How To Cancel Student Loans Legally (And Save The Chinese Economy)

Last year, Joe Biden – or whoever is really running America (into the ground) – promised to forgive a massive amount in student loans. This was a self-serving promise that he knew would be ruled unconstitutional, and which he could blame on the Republicans. Although this was hyped as forgiveness, it wasn’t, rather he was […]

How Usury Creates War

In July, the Stop The War Coalition held a Zoom meeting in which its invited speakers blamed war on “Imperialism”. Topically but not surprisingly the British role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade had more than a little to do with it, and listeners were treated to a clown from the African Diaspora explaining how if it hadn’t been for the slave trade, Africa would be leading the world in technology, art, and everything else.

Yes Dan, There Is A Money Fairy (Part 2)

Back to our example, having repaid his debt, the bank takes a $10 fee – its profit – and the other $40 is credited to the customer’s regular account.
The big question is, if the banks can practise this sleight-of-hand for profit, why can’t our governments do so for the public good? The short answer is there are too many people on the take. Think Deep State, Dan, then you will understand.

Yes Dan, There Is A Money Fairy (Part 1)

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino (pictured) hosts one of the largest conservative shows on YouTube and other media.
His analyses of politics are often spot on, as are his pithy sayings. Two of his favourites are:
all debts are paid
there is no power in yes.
The first is actually quite a profound statement, and if you don’t understand the second, think of how many times you’ve been told “No!” by bureaucrats and other jobsworths, then you will understand.

Andrew Yang — Right Message, Wrong Target (Part 2)

The solution for the funding of UBI is very simple, it should be paid out of newly created debt-free money. And when people hear this they cry instinctively “That would cause inflation”. No! Inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. The people at the bottom of society: the underclass, the homeless, the unemployable, do not have too much money, some of them have no money at all.

Andrew Yang — Right Message, Wrong Target (Part 1)

Although he has now withdrawn from the Presidential race, the charismatic Yang has been the first person  to bring Unconditional Basic Income firmly under the spotlight of mainstream American politics. Surprisingly, Hillary Clinton actually considered it in 2016, but why give ordinary people money when you can sell your soul to the rich and powerful, lining your own pockets in the process?