Mainstream Media, Warmongering

Mainstream media goes full Orwell telling readers they’re using the word ‘Orwellian’ wrong

By Helen Buyniski | RT | January 13, 2021 Complaining about authoritarian government intrusion into one’s life or surreptitious rewriting of history no longer qualify as “Orwellian,” according to an article that ironically embodies the concept in trying to redefine it. News outlet USA Today has managed to personify the term ‘Orwellian’ in its profoundly […]

Cheerleading Politicized Impeachment

By Stephen Lendman | January 12, 2021 Big media cheerlead preemptive wars, support corporate predation, and are indifferent toward world peace, equity, justice, the rule of law, and well-being of ordinary people. They’re press agents for wealth, power and privilege, hostile toward governance serving everyone equitably. What democracy is supposed to be, they scorn, supporting […]

Biden Is Not Yet Inaugurated and the Establishment Is Already Fomenting Civil War

By Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy | January 9, 2021 Trump was demonized before he was inaugurated. He was demonized because he was correctly perceived by the Establishment as a threat to the Establishment.  Trump’s election surprised the Establishment.  The Establishment thought that Establishment control over the media guaranteed their power and […]

Analyzing The MAGA Movement’s Democratic Security Failure

By Andrew Korybko | One World | January 7, 2021 “Democratic Security” In DC What happened in Washington DC on Wednesday was an exercise in “Democratic Security” which employed classic Color Revolution tactics for the purpose of regime reinforcement, the opposite of the regime change goal that these methods are oftentimes used to further across […]

Omaha World-Herald Gets Facts Wrong Blaming Mild Nebraska Drought on Climate Change

By H. Sterling Burnett | ClimateRealism | January 6, 2021 A story in the Omaha World-Herald, titled “Drought, wildfires are Nebraska’s top weather stories of 2020,” asserts climate change caused unusual drought in Nebraska last year. In reality, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data show Nebraska is benefiting from a long-term increase in precipitation, […]

Cold Autumn Kills Thousands of Birds – Media Blame Global Warming

By James Taylor | ClimateRealism | January 6, 2021 Google News and the corporate media are promoting claims that global warming caused the deaths of thousands of birds after a cold early autumn induced the birds to migrate south before they were ready. As common sense would suggest, the assertion that global warming causes colder […]

Anti-Trump NYT Wants Him Removed from Office and Prosecuted

By Stephen Lendman | January 7, 2021 The self-styled newspaper of record has been hostile toward Trump since he announced his candidacy for president in 2015. The broadsheet’s rage greatly intensified after he defeated media darling Hillary. It continued virtually daily throughout his time in office — largely for invented reasons, ignoring most important ones. […]

Blowing in the wind

Climate Discussion Nexus | January 6, 2021 Supposedly the very active Atlantic hurricane season in 2020 was more proof that global warming is upon us. As you will recall, when there was a long hiatus in major hurricanes making landfall in the United States the theory was fine-tuned to say warming decreases hurricanes. But then […]

2020 hindsight

Climate Discussion Nexus | January 6, 2021 No, this item is not about COVID and lockdowns. Rather, it’s about the fact that because people like round numbers, a surprising number of alarmist predictions of climate disaster were meant to happen “by 2020” which means it is time to check how clear the crystal ball was. […]

OPCW chief dodges questions on Syria cover-up after new leaks, attacks on whistleblowers

By Aaron Maté · The Grayzone · January 3, 2021 For the first time, OPCW chief Fernando Arias was asked a series of direct questions at the United Nations about the cover-up of a Syria chemical weapons probe. He answered none of them. Russia’s UN ambassador asked Arias about several damning leaks, some revealed by […]