mainstream media bias

Bob Woodward’s ‘tell all’ book puts Trump White House on the defensive

Bob Woodward is something of an icon of American investigative journalism. His work with Carl Bernstein spelled the end of Richard Nixon’s career as President of the United States, and the story of how “two men with a typewriter” were able to bring down the most powerful man in the world is journalism legend.
In excerpts from his new upcoming book, Fear: Trump in the White House, it appears that Mr. Woodward is trying to capitalize on his journalistic largesse to do it all over again.

Images show North Korea DISMANTLING nuclear missile test sites

Fox News reported that an American research group claimed that North Korea began dismantling its main missile engine test facilities.
This is viewed as a possible sign that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is following through with the North Korean side of the agreement that Chairman Kim and President Trump agreed to at their historic summit in Singapore on 12 June.
The Fox piece continues:

Tucker Carlson SLAMS attacks against Donald Trump

The fallout from the Helsinki Summit between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin has never seemed so dire. Where before the summit Trump had support from many GOP members and even a good proportion of the anchors and reports at Fox and other conservative-leaning news outlets, the last twenty-four hours saw a radical change.

US media in all-out effort to stop Trump-Putin summit

Recently, plans for a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin were announced.
The report was first disclosed rather quietly late on a Friday evening three weeks ago in the Wall Street Journal, and subsequent reports indicated more and more details in terms of both the intent and the stage of planning conducted for these meetings. Hopes are rising that this meeting will lead to a normalization of relations between the US and Russia.
Over the past two weeks, the press has tried to destroy this narrative.

FINALLY: Russian doping case FAILS in court. Time to revisit Russia-gate?

It happened…Pandora’s Box was torn open, and out came Russia-gate, the Syrian Crisis, The Ukraine Crisis, and so much more, including the Russian Olympic doping scandal. By an odd turn of fate, however, it may be the resolution of the doping scandal, which brings hope for the other greater issues. Evidence for the Russian Olympic doping scandal, including the key testimony of Grigory Rodchenkov, was finally tried with fire – and found severely lacking. According to RT:

Bad Cop – Good Cop, Part Deux – Trump blasts Iran deal, while Macron proposes fixing it

Once again, the mainstream American press is blindsided by their commitment to defraud the US President. Last week, CNN and other networks excoriated President Trump because he did NOT go for new sanctions against Russia, but stopped them from happening. Today the media narrative pivoted to Iran, and as usual, President Trump has launched into this problem with all rhetorical guns a-blazing:

Observations of America, Part II: Colorado has its own smoky cannabis story hidden from the world

Colorado legalized marijuana back in 2012 with it’s state constitutional Amendment 64. This amendment legalized the recreational and non-medical use of the drug and legalized possession of up to one ounce of it on one’s person, plus the cultivation of up to six cannabis plants for personal consumption.