mainstream media bias

A dispassionate case for the American border wall

One of the hottest news stories in the American press has been that over the border wall, proposed by President Trump during his campaign, and now resting at the center of a debate that has about one-quarter of the US governmental services in a state of shutdown. We have observed fiery, passionate, and even disgusting levels of rancor and bitterness in the political rhetoric concerning the wall. This debate goes on in the news media, and many of the Americans who watch and listen to this take on the fire of these arguments to even more passionate levels.

Watch: Democrat Chuck Schumer shows his East Coast elitism on live TV

One of the reasons Donald Trump was elected to the Presidency was because of his pugnacious, “in your face” character he presented – and promised TO present – against Democrat policy decisions and “stupid government” in general.
One of the reasons President Donald Trump is reviled is because of his pugnacious, “in your face” character he presented – and promised TO present – in the American political scene.

Washington Post spins Tucker Carlson criticism of Trump

Tucker Carlson of Fox News is noteworthy as an American newsman. Of all the fine reporters at Fox, he alone refuses to embrace any of the narrative about “Russian meddling” and calls the whole issue out as false. However, his independent thinking goes even farther, extending to round criticism of President Trump. This was reported from an interview Mr. Carlson gave for the Swiss weekly publication, Die Weltwoche.

Twitter buckles to elitist madness, BANS Alex Jones and InfoWars

Four weeks ago, Twitter came under fire for not banning Alex Jones from its social network as a wave of bans against the strongly conservative newsman swept across other prominent media outlets like Facebook, Apple and YouTube. But now, it appears that Jack Dorsey has caved into the pressure.
Alex Jones and InfoWars are now banned from Twitter as well. CNBC reports:

New York Times “anonymous” op-ed is the mainstream media’s latest magic trick

On September 5th, the media world was “rocked” by an anonymously authored op-ed piece in The New York Times that, to hear about it through all the other networks, was like the end of the world for President Trump. According to the op-ed piece itself, it is written by a “senior official in the Trump White House” who has “vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”
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