Mahmoud Abbas

Open Rafah Now: Siege on Gaza is a Cruel and Political Failure

When Egypt decided to open the Rafah border crossing which separates it from Gaza for two days, December 3 and 4, a sense of guarded relief was felt in the impoverished Strip. True, 48 hours were hardly enough for the tens of thousands of patients, students and other travelers to leave or return to Gaza, but the idea that a respite was on its way helped to break, albeit slightly, the sense of collective captivity felt by entrapped Palestinians.

A Palestinian Call for “Unarmed Warfare”

Behind the headline news of clashes between Palestinian youths and armed Israeli soldiers, Israel has – as ever – been quietly tightening its grip on Palestinians’ lives in the occupied territories.Last week in Hebron, a current flashpoint, 50 embattled families still living in the Tel Rumeida neighbourhood, faced a new restriction on movement designed to help free up the area for intensified Jewish settlement.

Former Palestinian ambassador refutes Abbas’s statements on Sinai land cession

Palestine Information Center – November 10, 2015 CAIRO -The former Palestinian ambassador Adli Sadeq denied Monday PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s statements in which he said that Egypt’s ousted president Mohammed Morsi had offered some 1,000 square kilometers of Sinai to expand the Gaza Strip. In a Facebook statement, the former Palestinian ambassador to India said […]

Two-thirds of Palestinians support Abbas departure

MEMO | September 23, 2015 An opinion poll has suggested that two-thirds of Palestinians believe that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas should resign. They also think that his resignation from the PLO Executive Committee is not “real”. The Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research released the results of a poll on Monday that it […]

Mahmoud Abbas to build an £8million presidential palace as thousands struggle to eat

Image: Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas and the palace he intends to build - (Getty)
(MMC-News) – The sprawling estate will span an area the size of FOUR football pitches and has been deemed a “national priority” by the government of Mahmoud Abbas.
It will include a 4,700-square-metre guest palace and two helipads, alongside a 4,000-square-metre administrative building.

Palestine’s Crisis of Leadership: Did Abbas Destroy Palestinian Democracy?

The crisis of leadership throughout Palestinian history did not start with Mahmoud Abbas and will, regrettably, be unlikely to end with his departure.  Although Abbas has, perhaps, done more damage to the credibility of the Palestinian leadership than any other leader in the past, he is also a by-product of a process of political fraud that started much earlier than his expired Presidency.