Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas channels Mandela in speech before General Assembly (VIDEO)

Palestine’s President Mahmoud Abbas has just addressed the UN General Assembly. He began by lamenting the progress of the international community to implement the clear path to the full re-establishment of Palestinian statehood that was promised in the 1993 Oslo Accords which were signed between PLO leader Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin (who was later assassinated by an Israeli terrorist for his role in the accords) and US President Bill Clinton.

Gaza-Sinai State a Possibility for Palestinians?

Gaza has been the focus of intense talks behind closed doors in recent weeks as disquiet has risen among Arab states at the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the coastal enclave.
Palestinians there are enduring a scorching summer with barely a few hours of power a day, after Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has refused to finance essential services. Abbas is trying to weaken his Hamas rivals who rule Gaza and assert his own authority.

Marwan Barghouti and the Battle of the Empty Stomachs

Perhaps it was fitting that the most significant act of organized mass resistance by Palestinians to the occupation in many years was launched from behind bars. In April of this year more than 1,500 political prisoners began an indefinite hunger strike against their increasingly degrading treatment by the Israeli authorities. Some called it a prison “intifada,” the word Palestinians use for their serial efforts to “shake off” Israeli oppression.

Pushing Gaza to Suicide: The Politics of Humiliation

Mohammed Abed is a 28-year-old taxi driver from the village of Qarara, near the town of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip. He has no teeth.
Lack of medical care and proper dentistry work cost him all of his teeth, which rotted and decayed at a very young age. Yet, his dire financial needs prevented him from acquiring dentures. His community eventually pitched in, collecting the few hundred dollars needed for Mohammed to finally being able to eat.

Twenty-Seven Hours: Donald Trump in Israel

It was time to do the Zionist boogie within a mere period of 27 hours, and anyone wishing to see two muggers of history enjoying each other’s company found themselves peering at Donald Trump of the United States, and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, nearly arm in arm on the recent tilt in US policy.  “We understand each other,” effused the Israeli leader, “and so much of the things that we wish to accomplish for both our countries.”

Donald Trump visits Palestine: a mission designed to fail (VIDEO)

Donald Trump has visited the holy city of Bethlehem for talks with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. Trump gave a rather vague opening address before walking past a dower and downtrodden looking Abbas who heads Palestine’s Fatah party. This was miles away from the friendly ‘first name basis’ with which Trump greeted and clearly enjoyed

Trump Deletes Tweet Saying It Was ‘An Honor’ With Palestinian President

President Donald Trump shakes hands with with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas during their meeting in the Oval Office of the White House, Wednesday, May 3, 2017, in Washington. (AP/Evan Vucci)
A tweet posted on U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal account on Wednesday saying it was “an honor” to meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was removed a day later.
The tweet, posted shortly after the two leaders met at the White House, said Trump was hoping to get “something terrific” agreed between Israel and the Palestinians.