Maggie Haberman

So Will It Be Trumpy-the-Clown, Christie And Schumer Running The Show Together In DC?

This morning Trumpanzee tweeted to his 27 million followers to watch so-called "Judge" Jeanine on Fox tonight at 9pm. At exactly 9pm, she came on and what did she say? "Paul Ryan needs to step down. The reason? He failed to deliver the votes on his health care bill... The one that he had seven years to work on...

When Will Republicans Begin To Confront Their Demons? Are They Waiting For Paul Ryan To Say OK?

Mario Diaz-Balart-- still stuck like glue to TrumpI guess everyone figured out Trump-- and apparently Kellyanne-- have abandoned the Kellyanne Conway tele-prompter approach and that he's back to counting on rage, bluster and anger to get him through. Deranged neo-Nazi crackpot Steve Bannon has got to be a happy camper after Trump's bizarre performance last night.