Capitol Riots: The Day of Infamy When Populism Became Fascism

Trumpism has defined, in the past four years, the quintessence of populism. On January 6, 2021, when a pro-Trump mob, instigated by their cult leader himself, stormed the Capitol building in Washington DC, a red line was crossed. The line where populism became fascism by, de facto, taking hostage the legislative branch of government. Many […]

The Ochelli Effect – Con Man Culture Vultures

From The Great Mike Swanson returned to the show on Tuesday Night to talk about the latest scratch-off in the American Casino. Are you itching for a new scratch? Mike Swanson’s new ventures will be fascinating to follow. The new business plot from the great deal-breaker has run wild in the culture of conmen, […]

What We Know About The Washington DC Capitol Building Raid & Who Benefits

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/6/20). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

Dear Donald: An Open Letter from MAGA Country to Our President

Submitted by Mark S. Stephens… HEADLINE:  “GORBACHEV IS OUSTED IN APPARENT COUP” New York Times August 19, 1991 “Mikhail S. Gorbachev was apparently ousted from power today by military and K.G.B. authorities while he was on vacation in the distant Crimea….” The above reproduced headline and opening sentence are cited verbatim from the August 1991 front page of a […]

Trump movement more powerful than DEEP STATE expected

Trump movement more powerful than DEEP STATE expected The Duran: Episode 730 Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn’t “Declassify Everything” Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn’t “Declassify Everything” Days ago amid the Trump administration’s election challenge turmoil which has resulted in over a […]

Leftists Accused of STEALING MAGA HAT from 7-Year-Old INDICTED for HATE CRIME!!!

Two Far Left Women Accused of STEALING a MAGA Hat From a 7-year-old Boy have been INDICTED on HATE CRIME Charges! In this video, we’re going to take a look at the charges against these far-left radicals, why leftists believe they’re justified in their acts of hysterical violence, and why even Democrats are starting to turn on the antics of the woke left; you’re not going to want to miss this!

Trump’s ‘Alternate History’ and Rejection of Facts

Future historians will scratch their heads when researching the annals and archives of the Donald Trump administration. Trump’s denial of basic facts about history, science, and even the weather will undoubtedly result in his administration and the subsequent fall-out from it being called the “Age of Unreason.” Trump and his administration often seize on erroneous information and turn them into, in what is in their minds, irrefutable facts. One example has been Trump’s insistence that the 1918 influenza occurred in 1917.