
Madagascar: A Nation of Hunger

Madagascar is in great pain. Theodore Mbainaissem, the head of the World Food Programme (WFP) sub-office in Ambovombe, southern Madagascar, says: “Seeing the physical condition of people extremely affected by hunger who can no longer stand…children who are completely emaciated, the elderly who are skin and bone…these images are unbearable… People are eating white clay with tamarind juice, cactus leaves, wild[Read More...]

Préface au tome VIII de mes "Ecrits révisionnistes (2011-2015)"

Soixante-douze ans après la date fatidique du 8 mai 1945, qui a vu à la fois l’effondrement militaire du IIIe Reich et le vrai commencement de ce qu’on peut appeler l’industrie, le commerce et la religion de « l’Holocauste », il est permis, quoi qu’en dise la loi, de dresser le bilan à ce jour d’une entreprise d’intoxication des esprits comme l’histoire n’en avait encore jamais connu.

Rage against the latrine: the safer, more sustainable loo that’s changing lives

A lack of hygienic sanitation is a major issue in many parts of the world, but are resource-hungry western style toilets the only option? Not according to the company piloting a loo that's waterless, off-grid and able to charge your phone. Lina Zeldovich travels to Madagascar to witness the start of a lavatorial revolution