Macular Degeneration

Google Partners with Largest Specialist Eye Hospital to Treat Diseases

Google DeepMind Health has recently announced a partnership with Moorfields Eye Hospital in London to utilize its technology to treat preventable eye diseases and help doctors spot disorders at an early stage when intervention is still possible. Google DeepMind has chosen Moorfields as it is the largest specialist eye hospital in the world, treating over 600,000 patients per year. This is more than any other specialist eye hospital in either the United States or Europe.

Why Resveratrol Makes Red Wine the Exception to the Rule

Most health experts say that avoiding alcoholic beverages is the way to go, but there’s one exception that most agree on – the drinking of red wine. What makes red wine stand out as different? It’s the best source of a polyphenol known as resveratrol, a compound that may lead to a healthier heart, a slimmer body, and a longer life.