
Deep State’s media arm shows Roseanne the door after she bites the hand

Two months ago, the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) launched a hit reboot of the sitcom series Roseanne.
The series received remarkably wide acclaim, and the admittedly crass comedienne Roseanne Barr aroused quite a bit of attention by portraying herself on this program as a Trump supporter.
Yesterday, the network canceled their own hit program. Why? Because Roseanne tweeted a slur directed at former President Obama’s prima adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

The Trumpy-The-Clown Comedy Hour Returns To Prime Time TV

Republican commentator David Frum was busy on Twitter this weekend: "The White House has a communications problem: it doesn’t tell the truth. The way to fix the problem is not to hire more skillful liars. However, a communications strategy based on telling the truth is not practical when the truth is more lethal even than an exposed lie." According to the latest polling about two-thirds of Americans don't believe Trump's gaslighting or any of his bullshit.