Louie Gohmert

Tea Party Rejects... Blah, Blah, Blah-- Does That Mean The Koch Brothers Have Said No?

Boehner and Cantor and the rest of the sorry GOP congressional conservative mainstream are holding a tiger by the tail-- and the tiger is hungry. They've talked so much about repealing ObamaCare that the drooling imbeciles they helped elect as Republicans last year think its real. So the House leadership tried throwing them a bone... and they threw it back. Boehner and Cantor have to pass a government funding bill this week.

Barbara Buono's Lesbian Daughter Is In A Very Different Situation Than Louie Gohmert's Lesbian Daughter

Digby, Jacquie and Amato met with Barbara Buono at Netroots Nation last week-- so now we can all vouch for what an incredible governor she would make. All she has to do is get around a gigantic roadblock, media darling (they're masochists) Chris Christie. But, as far as Blue America is concerned, it's now official: we endorse Barbara Buono for governor of the Garden State!Early Monday morning I found an e-mail from someone named Tessa Bitterman. I never heard of her and almost deleted it. But something made me open it and read it.