Los Angeles

Hugh Hefner's Kid Wants A Career I n Politics-- Even "Joined" The Air Force To Spiff Up A Dreadful Résumé

California state Senator Holly Mitchell has one of the best voting records of any member of the legislature. Her West L.A., Mar Vista, Culver City, Ingelwood, West Adams, Leimert Park, DTLA, Crenshaw, South Central, Westmont and South L.A. constituents have reason to be proud of her-- and will almost definitely elect her to the County Board of Supervisors in November. That will trigger a special election early in 2021.

Un-Re-Opening... California Takes The Step

"Die For Him Grandpa" by Nancy OhanianCalifornia is a COVID-mess, particularly the southern part of the state, where all the counties followed Gov. Gavin Newsom into a wait-and-see approach (while the Bay Area counties ignored Newsom's cowardice and shut down fast and managed to stave off the worst of the pandemic that is devastating southern California.

School's Out For Summer... And Fall?

I don't have any school-aged kids who I need to think about sending back to school next month. But my closest friend is an elementary school teacher in Compton. I'm worried about him, although neither the school district nor his union has said anything definitive about preparing for school. Yesterday, reporters Howard Blume, David Lauter and Nina Agrawal reported for the L.A. Times about the whole reopening idea.

Tucker: Riots are making leftists a LOT of money [Video]

With all the rioting making the news in the United States and even elsewhere, one wonders who profits from all this crazed behavior and violence. Today it began to be made very clear who is gaining from this. At the same time, a Tucker Carlson video clip was made available on YouTube showing how far this goes. But first, let us start with local and personal experience.
This morning, this message was in my inbox from the company Yelp. This is the text that I read:

Social-Justice Warrior With No Medical Training Leading LA’s COVID Response Team

In mid-March Governor Gavin Newsom predicted that 25-million people in California would be infected with Coronavirus. Trump deployed the Navy's Mercy hospital ship to Los Angeles to treat the suffering masses. They never showed up. The ship left Los Angeles with literally nothing to do. Los Angeles remains in lockdown.

L.A. Mayor Says Water & Power Will be Shut Off for Non-Essential Businesses that Don’t Close

The mayor said that water and power would be turned off for nonessential businesses to force them to close. He called the businesses that have yet to close "irresponsible and selfish.” While small business owners are fighting for economic survival, the Mayor enjoys a handsome salary with no interruptions or reductions.

Corruption Isn't A Complicated Thing-- But Few Politicians Pay For Their Crimes, Even When Caught Red-Handed

I do a radio show with David Feldman every week and yesterday he asked me to go off on Jim Clyburn (D-SC) and I said he's not especially more corrupt than anyone who's been in Congress as long as he is. He's been there long enough to become a criminal . The example I used was his acceptance of $2,387,755 in bribes from the Industrial Health Complex which he just paid back by undermining-- perhaps mortally-- Bernie's presidential campaign for them. Feldman asked me if that was really a bribe.

Homelessness In L.A.-- Can We Learn From How Utah Solved Their Homeless Problem?

Local county government doesn't get a say in whether or not the U.S. gets Medicare-for-All. But I ask local candidates about it-- and other federal issues-- anyway, primarily to get an idea of how progressive they are likely to be when it comes to solving local problems. Darrell Park is running to be elected an L.A. county supervisor, in the last district held by a Republican.

Stefan Molyneux Examines the Effects of Mass Migration in California and Confronts the Los Angeles City Council on the Cost of Offering Sanctuary

Molyneux does a superb job exposing the insanity of Democracy in which everyone suffers under the illusion of unlimited resources where they see no reason to reject any proposal, no matter how expensive, so long as it is said to help someone. This is definitely worth watching.