Loretta Lynch

LIONEL PODCAST: America – Conceived in Conspiracy, Born in Revolution, Brexit in Reverse

Mr. Vidal said it best. And as our beloved republic celebrates the 240th anniversary of this exquisite laboratory experiment in liberty and as Hillary Clinton emerges from a “voluntary” discussion with FBI agents as to her various server and email derring-do and as we contemplate November and the worst possible offering of candidates in the history of our motherland, let us remember Gore Vidal.

DOJ “Considers” Legal Action Against “Climate Change Deniers”

Attorney General Loretta Lynch
Attorney General Loretta Lynch admitted back in early March that legal action might be taken by the Department of Justice against “climate change deniers.” She pronounced while testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee: “This matter has been discussed. We have received information about it and have referred it to the FBI to consider whether or not it meets the criteria for which we could take action on.”

Re. the Lynch AG nomination: The Senate GOP majority keeps sinking lower and lower

What a bunch! Senators Ernst (IA), Cornyn (TX), McConnell (KY), and Thune (SD) pretend to give a hoot about sex trafficking. No, no, they're pretending to be against it. That's not the problem.by KenRemember back when U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Loretta Lynch was nominated to succeed Eric Holder as U.S. attorney general? And President Obama was reamed royally by apologists for the toxic sludge passing for U.S. senators under the Republican banner?