
Love, Western Nihilism and Revolutionary Optimism

How dreadfully depressing life has become in almost all of the Western cities! How awful and sad.
It is not that these cities are not rich; they are. Of course, things are deteriorating there, the infrastructure is crumbling and there are signs of social inequality, even misery, at every corner. But if compared to almost all other parts of the world, the wealth of the Western cities still appears to be shocking, almost grotesque.

Monumentgate: Empire State Building lights up for basketball but not terrorism

Monumentgate is officially a new word in the political lexicon. It can be used to describe the scandal over when various world-monuments (exclusively in the west) are lit up in the colours of a country’s flag to show solidarity with that state, or otherwise, when the lights are switched off in a sign of mourning.
I personally have always felt that lighting up various monuments in the colours of a foreign flag to be a bit tacky and hypocritical, not least because such things are usually done in countries that are state sponsors of terrorism themselves.

LONDON – Stand Off Between Far Right And Counter Demonstrators (VIDEO)

21st Century Wire says…
Ten days after the Westminster attack that left four people dead and dozens injured, tensions continue to rise in London particularly Trafalgar Square which acted as a flashpoint where scuffles broke out between Far Right groups the English Defence League, Britain First, and counter demonstration groups such as Unite Against Fascism.
Follow the story with Ruptly/RT…

BREXIT: British PM signs the longest handwritten divorce letter in history

An old English aphorism says that ‘British elections are the lull before the lull’. Increasingly, the Brexit process is conforming to this notion.
Hours ago, the British Prime Minister signed what can now be termed the longest letter of intent in history. The letter, whose text is still unknown, declares Britain’s formal request to withdraw from the EU; the triggering of Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty.