
Introduction to Philosophy: Aristotle – Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Tonight we will examine the introductory elements of Aristotle and consider how he was highly influential on the Eastern fathers, especially St. Maximos and St. John of Damascus.  Together with the Neoplatonists, we want to uncover the delicate balance of ferreting out pagan assumptions from truth. Fr Dcn. Dr. Ananias can be found here. Tonight at 5PM CST! 

Lucifer & His Boys – Jay Dyer / Michael Witcoff

Michael Witcoff spoke with me last year about his book On the Masons and Their Lies, and last week we discussed the nature of transcendental arguments and presuppositionalism in relation to Orthodox theology and St. Maximos the Confessor’s doctrine of Logos/logoi.  Tonight Michael rejoins me to discuss Lucifer, spiritual warfare, cults and secret societies, demonology and more!


St. Maximos, Logos/Logoi & Worldview Apologetics: Fr Dcn Dr Ananias / Jay Dyer on Bro. Augustine Podcast

Our frend Michael Witcoff speaks to me and Fr. Dcn Dr Ananias on his podcast concerning our new project on Orthodox apologetics and argumentation and how to integrate transcendental arguments in a coherent way.  We cover apologetic methodology, the chapters we have complete so far, the projected audiences, how we look at Thomistic philosophy and theology and its (inadequate) apologetic, and why the transcendental argument for God is much more biblical, patristic and philosophically sound.

Top 10 Lies of the Modern World!

In this new top 10 I cover the chief lies most people still (amazingly) believe. From the worship of “progress” (an unclear notion), to the assumption experts and officials tell us the truth. the “normal” world is dominated by lies that are ancient, as well as new versions of ancient lies. You may take issue with my numbering – if so, let me know in the comments! Be sure to like and subscribe and share!

Jesus in Islam & the Bible: An Exchange – Jay Dyer / Nazam Goffoor

An impromptu discussion and exchange on the Person of Christ in the texts of the law of Moses, the prophets, the writings and the New Testament.  Nazam is an apologist who focuses on exegesis of the Koran and its relationship with other religions like Christianity and the Jewish law.  We will examine these issues. His channel is here.