
The Red Pill & JBP’s Classical Liberalism: Can We Have Meaning Without Metaphysics & Realpolitik?

Today I want to prep for tonight’s discussion with JimBob by returning to some of our older critiques of classical liberalism and the enlightenment’s dialectics. In my redpill critique streams, after highlighting areas of agreement, my disagreement focused on 2 areas of significant disagreement and what I see as a blindspot in what the ultimately […]

#Killstream: Jay Dyer Live on Ralph Retort – Debating Politics, Atheists & Hollywood Ritual Crimes

A killer 3 hour interview on the Killstream with Ethan Ralph, talking about everything under the sun: debates, my new Jordan Peterson impression, hashing out political philosophy, atheism and empiricism as self-refuting, Kant, Hegel and Locke, Hollywood ritual murders and scandals, etc.
Stream or Download Audio 12

Dr. Jordan Peterson Critiqued: Classical Liberal Incoherence – Jay Dyer (Half)

Is Dr. Jordan Peterson’s worldview coherent? He is certainly eloquent and forceful when refuting many fallacious arguments from opponents, but has he questioned his presuppositions of classical liberalism? I don’t think he has and in this video we look at the good and the bad in Dr. Peterson’s arguments. The second half covers the ideological trek of how we got to the postmodern stage we are in now from the Middle Ages and is available at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal links.