
On the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Shanghai Communiqué; Lessons for Russia

February 28, 1972 was marked by a major event that would shape the development of global political trends for decades to come. We can still notice the impact that this event had today, but it is now viewed very differently by the major powers that were behind it some five decades ago. The author is referring […]

Ukrainian Refugees are Everywhere, Especially Woman and Children

The war in Ukraine has, as expected, brought yet another flow of migrants. This latest wave is being greeted with either flag-waving enthusiasm or weary resignation, but few are noticing that it adds a new dimension to the existing refugee and geopolitical situation. Most refugees come from Third World countries and live in other Third […]

Russia’s Operation in Ukraine, a Middle Eastern Perspective

“Ukraine: the price of the American-European deception,” “A lesson for the Ukrainian people in the school of the West.” These and similar headlines have flooded the Middle Eastern media and social media in the wake of the Russian military operation in Ukraine.  One of the main topics is the reasons and background for this move […]

Oh For an Independent Australian Foreign Policy

The Australian mainstream media continues its misreporting of the ongoing war in Ukraine. The latest example, also repeated on the ABC and SBS television outlets, was the bombing of a hospital in Mariupol. This was presented to the viewing public as an unprovoked and reckless Russian attack on a hospital, filled with pregnant women waiting […]

China Adopts a New Defense Budget

Against the backdrop of the seriousness of Ukraine’s Western-backed preparations for a dramatic escalation and aggression against Donbass and Luhansk, including with US-funded biological weapons, China has rolled out its defense budget for 2022. It happened on the opening day of the fifth annual session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC). Usually these annual […]

Information Sovereignty More Important Than Ever

The elimination of Russian media across the West and to a greater extent from across US-based social media platforms used worldwide, is a stark demonstration of the power the West still wields within global information space. It is a wake-up call for nations around the globe regarding the threat of leaving a nation’s information space […]

UK and US Jointly Develop Biological Weapons

Documentary evidence of Washington’s aggressive plans for developing and manufacturing biological weapons in secret US biological laboratories in Ukraine, banned by international conventions, has been uncovered during the Russian special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, and it is frankly horrifying! Although suspicions of such US activities have already been repeatedly published by many media […]

Shamanism and Politics in South Korea

After publishing the materials about the traces of shamanism in Yoon Suk-yeol’s case, the author received many comments asking him to clarify this case in more detail. Therefore, it was decided to offer some more insights on such issues as shamanism and politics in South Korea. Despite traditional role and popularity in the society, the […]

Number of Extremists and Neo-Nazis in Europe will Increase at Ukraine’s Expense

Fleeing from wars, armed conflicts and various militant activities, migrants from Africa and Asia continue to make risky attempts to enter the EU by various means, often using risky and perilous routes. However, streams of refugees in Europe have increased in recent days amid the events in Ukraine. So, after the outright genocide of the Russian-speaking […]