
Global Arms Market Dynamics and its Effects on the International Developments

For several years now, the world economy has been showing signs of a global crisis, affecting not only underdeveloped economies but also fully developed states such as the US or the EU. One of the signs of instability and unease increasing around the world is the rapid growth of the arms trade. Data on arms […]

EAEU Countries Develop and Strengthen Cooperation

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. Launched on February 2, 2012, it has become the permanent regulatory body of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The main purpose of the Eurasian Economic Commission is to ensure the conditions for the functioning and development of the EAEU and to draw up […]

Elections in South Korea – Who Voted for Whom, and Why did Yoon Win?

So, the elections have finished and a winner has been declared! The election results have been discussed in detail in the Korean media, with breakdowns of the results by region and in terms of the age and sex of voters. According to data published by the Korean Electoral Commission following the counting of votes, elector turnout […]

Why is the West Launching a Mercenary War?

Even in an era of moral decline of the autochthonous population, the rulers of the Roman Empire relied on mercenaries when military service turned from prestigious to onerous for their own citizens. The Persians also relied during the crisis of their empire on Greek mercenaries, who represented the most combat-ready troops of Darius III in […]

Public Opinion in the Arab World on Russia’s Special Operation in Ukraine

The Center for Arab Unity Studies (CAUS) has held recently a very interesting and useful webinar on the US-led NATO-Russia confrontation in Ukraine and related international developments. Many Arab scholars, diplomats and analysts have attempted to analyze the current state of affairs in Europe and, where possible, provide some political predictions. Among the issues addressed first […]

Australia and New Zealand Follow a Common Course

As might be expected, after the start of the Ukrainian special operation by Russian troops, Russia was hit by international sanctions, primarily from the West. Of course, permanent members of the “collective West” such as Australia and New Zealand have joined these sanctions. This is not surprising – as former British colonies, they are an […]

Japan, a Land of the Rising Sanctions

Although Japan used to be associated with the poetic name “Land of the Rising Sun,” it has recently been increasingly turning, through the fault of its current political authorities, into a “Land of the Rising Sanctions.” Until recently, under former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, relations between Russia and Japan were consistently good and even warm. […]

Iran Unleashes its Fury against US and Israel in Retaliation for Provocations

Endless provocations and subversive actions of the US and Israel against Iran lead to the Iranian people getting increasingly bitter towards the two countries and their representatives. Following the blatant US assassination operation against Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) special forces, killed on the night of January 3, 2020 […]