
US Condemns Chinese Military Build-Up the US Itself Provoked

US Indo-Pacific commander Admiral John Aquilino has recently complained about China’s militarization of the South China Sea. He has accused China of placing anti-aircraft and anti-ship systems along with other military facilities on islands scattered throughout the South China Sea.  The Guardian in an article titled, “China has fully militarized three islands in South China […]

Concerning an Assassination Attempt on Song Young-gil

On March 7, 2022, on the eve of the presidential elections in South Korea, the leader of the Democratic Party, Song Young-gil, was campaigning in Seoul’s Sinchon district and became the victim of an assassination attempt. The attacker approached him from behind and hit him on the head several times with a hammer wrapped in […]

US-Ukraine: a Stream of Lies and Slander

A constant stream of vile lies, fabrications and fakes are poured out by the US ceaselessly against many countries around the world, and above all Russia. Many commentators attribute these futile efforts by the current Joe Biden administration to their basic fear of the impending but inevitable fundamental changes taking place on the geopolitical stage. […]

The End of United States’ World Hegemony Looms Large

Last week the Chinese Premier Chou En Lai had a telephone conversation with United States president Joe Biden. The Chinese have provided an extensive report on the conversation. It appears that the main reason for the telephone call, initiated by Biden, was to pressure the Chinese not to assist Russia its present confrontation with Ukraine. […]

India’s Ruling Bharatiya Janata Party Strengthens its Positions

The beginning of March in India marked the end of almost a month of continuous voting, including Parliamentary by-elections in five states: Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Manipur and Goa. In terms of population, these states rank 1st, 15th, 18th, 24th and 26th respectively out of India’s 28 states and 8 union territories (including the capital […]

Africa Supports Russia’s Operation in Ukraine and Advocates a Revival of the Non-Aligned Movement

The events in Ukraine and Russia’s actions there are perceived differently around the world. While some countries, under Washington’s onslaught, impose sanctions against Russia overits operation in Ukraine, others are strengthening relations with Moscow, or at least maintaining the status quo. While the Western world, influenced by the Russophobic policies of Washington and its allies, […]

Sanctions against Biden End his Career

By launching information warfare and sanctions against undesirable countries and politicians, the United States clearly did not consider that these same weapons could very well punish the US, its American “stability”, as well as knock many politicians of this “empire of lies” off pedestal. So, once Moscow, in response to the White House’s insinuations, blacklisted […]

Is Britain’s Titanic Actually Sinking?

Against the backdrop of events in Ukraine, Boris Johnson, who just days ago found himself under increased criticism from the British and on the verge of impeachment for his indifference towards the subjects of the kingdom, decided to “brush his feathers and his tufts.” Not surprisingly, in his attempt to stay relevant he turned to […]

Thai Volunteers Poisoned by Western Media Sign up for Ukraine Fight

As Russia’s special operations continue in Ukraine so does the West’s propaganda war against it. The propaganda is particularly effective but also particularly predictable in terms of who will be drawn in by it and become hysterical because of it. This includes right-wing extremists from across the Western world but also the many US-sponsored “pro-democracy” […]