
Is This the End of the Ministry of Gender Equality?

On March 13, 2022 the South Korean president elect, Yoon Suk-yeol, announced to journalists that the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family had outlived its usefulness and that another more effective state structure is to be created in order to resolve the problem of gender equality. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (or, more […]

Israel Tries to Forge an anti-Iranian Coalition Yet Again

Despite Israel’s lack of success so far in its attempts to “fundamentally resolve” the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, it is actively trying to exploit its recent favorable relations with individual Arab states to bring such countries together in an anti-Iranian coalition it leads. To this end, amid improving Israeli-Egyptian relations, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett […]

Israel Reevaluating Ukrainian Events?

After recent critical remarks by Tel Aviv against Russia for its special denazification operation in Ukraine made at the UN General Assembly under the obvious pressure from Washington, the Israeli society, nonetheless, is coming around and expressing criticism toward the current Kyiv government recently strengthened with the US support. This statement is backed by increasingly […]

The Bidens Funded the Activities of Secret US Biolabs

A growing number of independent media and civil society organizations are joining the investigation of hundreds of secret US biological laboratories around the world, including around Russia and China, rightfully suspected of developing and testing internationally banned biological weapons, to prevent Washington from launching a new, this time biological war in the world. The New Eastern […]

We Interrupt This Program To Bring You the World As It Burns

The Ukraine crisis has unfolded so quickly, I guess none of us can keep up. As I type this, it seems that the Russian forces are about to establish complete control over Mariupol. As Russia moves forward in the most unprecedented military maneuver in history, the melodramatic forces who set this catastrophe in motion have gone […]

Oil and Gas Failure and Humiliation of Washington

Despite the conflict in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia initiated by Washington, Russian gas is flowing to Europe in maximum volumes, European media outlets stress.  At Mallnow, the point of arrival of the Yamal-Europe pipeline in Germany, supplies, which were interrupted for a few days after the start of Russia’s military special operation in Ukraine […]

Biden’s Actions are Behind the Collapsing Dollar

The US dollar, as the international reserve currency, has long served as an essential medium of exchange between countries with different national currencies. To fulfil this role, a reserve currency needs to be stable, safe and easily accessible to all countries. In the 20th Century, the dollar’s international status caused it to grow in value, […]

West’s Social Networks have Outlived their Usefulness

Following the launch of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, and the west’s imposition of unilateral and legally unjustified sanctions on Russia, western social networks have been filled with a flood of misinformation leading many people around the globe to reassessing what used to be regaded as indispensable. A turning point in this reassessment was […]

Ukrainian Nazis have Created a “No-Sailing Zone” on the Black Sea

As you must know, the “no-fly zone” (NFZ), also known as the air exclusion zone (AEZ), is an off-limits area established by military force. The criminal Kiev authorities have been actively, but unsuccessfully, trying in recent days to create a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine and involve the NATO countries in their confrontation with Moscow. Nevertheless, they managed to […]