
Israel, Ukraine, and Black Market Transplant Surgeons

The topics of local military conflicts and illegal human organ trade always go hand in hand, since military actions are not just about solving geopolitical issues and commonplace profiting off the arms trafficking but also about illegal human organ trade. Organ buyer-ups and black market transplant surgeons have long become ordinary elements of the military […]

Ukraine and Middle Eastern Media: Western Masks are Off!

The Ukrainian events have been a constant item on the agenda for media outlets of Middle Eastern countries since the start of Russia’s special operation. Observers note a never before seen information onslaught against Moscow coming from the West, when it comes to covering the Ukrainian crisis. According to many estimates, this torrent of content […]

Russia’s Actions in Ukraine Trigger World Wide Consequences

The United States president Joe Biden has recently visited Poland and made a speech which on one hand was barely coherent, and on the other displayed yet again the incredible American capacity to gloss over its own history of waging almost non-stop war on any country that dares to refuse to abide by United States […]

Awaiting New DPRK Satellites and New Sanctions

Events have taken a new turn since the last report on the development of the DPRK’s missile program, focusing on the launch of two supposedly medium-range missiles. In addition to US and South Korean calls to “cease missile provocations and come to the negotiating table,” there have been clear signs of escalation. On March 7, […]

US Launching a Paid anti-Russia Snitching Program is Yet Another Confirmation of America’s Moral Decline

The US authorities have launched another Russophobic “program” of informing and snitching, which is called the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Rewards Program. A reward is promised for information about the funds that were obtained as a result of cooperation with the Russian government. The United States, in the current difficult economic conditions (inflation is record high […]

Riyadh Reclaims its Place in Active International Politics

Despite attempts by the current US administration to belittle the role of Saudi Arabia in international affairs and authority of the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, Riyadh is confidently winning back the universal recognition and becoming an increasingly active participant of the recent events. For over seven decades of partnership Washington has been the major […]

US Afghan Military Arsenals are Up for Sale

While the exact number of US weapons, vehicles, aircraft and military equipment seized by the Taliban (banned in the Russian Federation) after the US and its allies had fled Afghanistan is unknown, the preliminary value of this lethal commodity is estimated by various experts at around $85 billion. In Kunduz, Afghanistan, regular Taliban military displays […]

The Middle East and the US ‘War of Sanctions’ on Russia

While the US has so far been able to cobble together the crumbling trans-Atlantic ‘unity’ by aggressively, provocatively and irresponsibly pushing for NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe purportedly against Russia, the Middle East – which was once a completely US dominated geography – has refused to side with the US. Due to Washington’s own poor […]

India’s Сalibrated Policy Preserves the Balance and Security in Eurasia

For many decades now, one of the pillars of India’s foreign policy has been its commitment to the Non-Aligned Movement proclaimed in 1961. At that time the US and the USSR were engaged in a Cold War, with both superpowers trying to win over as many allies as possible, and the Non-Aligned Movement gave many […]