
Radical Mercenaries from Ukraine Move to Live in Europe

In early February – long before the official announcement of the creation of a “foreign legion” by the Kiev regime – the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry openly declared that it would facilitate radical veterans of the recognized terrorist Liberation Army of Kosovo to move to Ukraine. Given this circumstance and the growing number of foreign mercenaries […]

US Enhances its Bacteriological and Chemical Weapons Capabilities

The imperative for the US to give up the development, stockpiling and use of chemical and bacteriological weapons banned by multiple international conventions is now receiving increased global attention due to substantiated condemnation of Washington’s actions in Ukraine and a number of other countries in recent years. The US attempts to create bacteriological weapons in […]

Iraq: the Main Battle is Yet to Come

Since Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr won Iraq’s widely boycotted elections last October, there has been a steady stream of news reports, forecasts and analyses claiming that this could be the beginning of the end of Iranian interference in Iraqi affairs. While such estimates are certainly optimistic, they are perhaps somewhat naive and misguided. Iran remains the […]

How did Biden Decide to Rob Europeans Blind?

Forced by Kiev’s neo-Nazis and their mass murder of Donbas residents, Moscow’s special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine has been going on for a month. Many people in the world hope that this absolutely avoidable conflict will end soon. However, the US and NATO, which initiated this confrontation between the Slavic nations in order […]

Having Failed to Divide Syria and Iraq, US Decides to Dismember Ukraine

The well known “divide and conquer” tactic of any invader is being actively used by Washington in its policies. The idea of the need to partition the Middle East was promoted in the US by the famous American “strategist” Ralph Peters in 2006, who published a map on which the borders of all the Middle […]

Ukrainian War Lies Expose Frightening Reality Shift

The utter insanity of the Western Media at the outset of the Ukraine War, name calling, using video game footage to prove atrocities, ploys that grew up during the War on Terror, has created a reality shift that cannot be easily corrected. Today, tens of millions of Americans and similar numbers from NATO countries including […]

How does Biden Intend to Free the EU from the Dependence on Russian Gas?

US President Biden has declared himself Europe’s savior from energy dependence on Russia and approved an energy agreement with the European Union under which the US is to increase transatlantic gas supplies, in the hope of weakening the influence Russia enjoyed due to its natural resources. However, Politico has already questioned whether such promises by […]