
Unsuccessful Maneuvers of the US-European Allies on the Iran Nuclear Front

Europeans’ hopes of reviving the Iran nuclear deal are rapidly fading, forcing them to seriously consider how to limit the progress of Tehran’s nuclear program at a time when their master, the US, is once again screwing Europe over in order to accomplish its own goals. While Western powers have not yet completely given up […]

Ankara is Working Hard to Reestablish Relations with Cairo

Turkey has recently begun working to re-establish relations with Egypt and the Gulf Arab states in an attempt to overcome divisions that have made Ankara increasingly isolated in the Arab world. After Erdoğan’s successful trip to Riyadh at the end of April, Ankara has been working hard to restore relations with Cairo. Since the end of […]

Have they Sent Biden to Consult with Eastern Medicine Practitioners?

According to numerous US media reports and opinion polls in the US, Joe Biden is increasingly being described as one of the worst presidents in American history, proving to be “an unparalleled disaster.” Barely a year and a half after Joe Biden was inaugurated, he has already plunged America into crime and economic crisis, triggered food […]

Korean Parallels to the Ukrainian Crisis

Periodically, the audience asks the author what he thinks about the current situation. While the author is not an expert on Ukraine, he nevertheless sees a number of curious parallels between the current developments and the events of Korean history, which he would like to remind readers of. The first parallel concerns the Korean War, […]

The Chinese Dimension of Russia’s Coal Business in a New Environment

Various projects to do away with coal and switch to other fuels that emit less combustion gases have long been discussed in developed countries. Some experts have even begun to predict the imminent demise of the entire global coal industry. One of the reasons for these forecasts has been statements by China, the world’s main […]

Libya Suffers a Permanent Humanitarian Catastrophe under the Dictate of US Interests

During the era of Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan Jamahiriya, the country was openly admired by many countries in the region for the well-being and living conditions of Libyans, perhaps with the exception of the Gulf States. And this was justified, among other things, by the fact that there was free medicine, free education, and financial aid […]

Why is the United States Getting Away with Unleashing a Global Biological War?

The United States has long demonstrated to the global community its disregard for international regulations, along with its readiness to unleash a war with the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) anywhere in the world. This is what the Americans did in Japan, when they dropped nuclear bombs on civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki […]

What is Preventing the Conflict between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan from Escalating?

Conflicts between Tajik and Kyrgyz border guards frequently break on the border between the two nations, and civilians living in nearby settlements end up suffering as a result. The main reason for the conflicts is the fact that in certain regions the border is not clearly defined, making it impossible to determine where one nation’s […]