
Why is a New War Coming to Afghanistan?

Afghanistan, every now and then, is hit by a bomb attack. Most of the recent attacks have been claimed by the Islamic State in Khorasan (terrorist organization, banned in Russia). Its ability to orchestrate highly sophisticated attacks shows that the group, contrary to the claims the US military officials made during the US occupation of […]

US is Increasing the Military Pressure in its Dealings with China

Since Joe Biden’s arrival in the White House, Washington, with the support of its European allies, to bring about a conflict in Ukraine, forcing Russia to launch a special operation to “denazify” that country. Now the US is embarking on military operations in a new conflict, which it created with the help of its Asian […]

WHO Stealth Coup to Dictate Global Health Agenda of Gates, Big Pharma

Acting on an initiative from the Biden Administration, by November 2022, conveniently at the onset of the next flu season in the northern hemisphere, the World Health Organization, barring a miracle, will impose an unprecedented top-down control over the national health regulations and measures of the entire planet. In what amounts to a stealth coup […]

US Multi-Domain Operations – War by Additional Means

The United States has clearly transitioned militarily several times throughout its history, from the Cold War preparing to fight the Soviet Union using massive maneuver warfare to using the military that existed at the end of the Cold War to decimate the Iraqi army in the 1990’s, to shifting to a “small wars” force fighting […]

Americans and the “Blood Moon” Rising

The news divisions of the US broadcast network have “comforted” the Americans with the announcement that they will have an opportunity to witness the “blood moon” eclipse. In astronomer circles, “blood moon” is the term for the part of a total lunar eclipse when the projections of sunrises and sunsets on the surface of the […]

Why is the US Trying to Provoke a Conflict on the Afghanistan—Tajikistan Border?

Ever since the withdrawal of the last US troops from Afghanistan and the fall of the country to the Taliban (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), Washington has been unable to come to terms with the loss of its influence in the region. It is therefore doing all it can to turn the […]

United States Bioweapons Developments in Ukraine May Prove a Fatal Mistake

What is now emerging into full view is the development of bio weapons in Ukraine by the Americans. This program has been in existence for a number of years, organised by the leadership of the Democratic Party who in turn benefited from company donations from the principal organisers of the program. These companies include Pfizer, […]