
Cameroon and Russia Start Working More Closely Together

Despite the distances that separate the two regions, Russia and Africa have been bound together by close political, economic and cultural ties for many decades. In the West, African nations tend to be associated with poverty and a lack of development, and receive little media coverage, but in reality many countries on the continent have […]

US Pressures African Countries into Breaking Away from Russia

At the first Russia-Africa summit in 2019, Vladimir Putin hosted 43 African leaders — more than the number attending similar events in the UK or France. Even back then, at the Sochi summit, the Russian president criticized the West for imposing “political or other conditions” on African states in order to break them away from […]

“Northern Ireland Protocol”: What It Is and Why It Matters?

It you want to write an article nobody will read, the best headline is probably “Northern Ireland Protocol”. Ever since it was made part of the renegotiated Brexit agreement in 2019, everyone has been either upsetting people by arguing about it, or choosing to ignore it. Everyone is sick and tired of hearing about Northern […]

Growing Rapport between Russia and Turkey

No matter how strange it may sound, Russia and Turkey are very similar, and this creates favorable conditions for their alignment. The history of both nations, the Turkic and Slavic world, is connected with Byzantium, and both have both Orthodox and Muslim roots, however, in different proportions. Even despite a history of more than three […]

Chronicle of the Taiwan Issue: the Role of the “Glass of Water”

The Taiwan cluster, i.e. one of the most important and dangerous in the current phase of the Great Game, and it’s a highly dynamic one. Remarkable events follow one after the other, and at least the most significant ones cannot be overlooked. The level of “significance”, in the author’s view, is determined by the extent […]

Urging Europe to War: Applying the Corporate Levers

When the Russians first warned of the potential for armed conflict in Ukraine, the world looked on with pandemic blinded eyes. The public turned an unconcerned head, naturally, to still more “Russia” problems framed with the ever present “Putin” headline. Few suspected a more troubling underpinning. Then Russia marched across the border. The question of […]

China’s Aircraft Industry Puts an End to Western Monopoly

Aircraft manufacturing is one of the strategically important areas of modern industry, providing transport security and generating large revenues. However, aircraft construction requires a high level of scientific and technological development and a huge financial investment. Therefore, not all countries are able to fully supply themselves with aircraft, whether military or civilian. The largest and […]

Civilizational Rift: a Small Bump or a Major Hurdle?

Today, it is clear that the beginning of Russia’s special military operation on the territory of Ukraine on February 24 this year was a landmark moment in the modern stage of world history. Regardless of the evaluation of this operation, its objectives and legitimacy, one thing is clear today – it has already become the […]

On Washington’s Request, Ukraine has Now Turned against Turkey as Well

As the Russian proverb says: “You can give the wolf the best food, but he would hanker for the wood.” This folk wisdom has a disapproving, judgmental connotation. The main allegorical meaning is that the true essence will always reveal itself, despite anyone’s best efforts to change it. This is what is happening today in […]