
US Attempt to Stage an Armed Conflict in GBAR has Failed

Since the Russian armed forces’ special operation to denazify Ukraine was launched on February 24, the US and Britain have been actively trying to create a “second front” against Russia in Central Asia (CA). To this end, the United States has taken active steps to foment, through controlled NGOs, media and US intelligence capabilities, zones […]

Saudi Arabia becomes the Primary Destination of Political Pilgrimage

Washington’s recent active attempts to play the Riyadh card in its confrontation with Russia and in maintaining any semblance of US influence in the Middle East have turned Saudi Arabia into a “political Mecca” to which many states have suddenly flocked. The natural front-runner in this race of political pilgrims is the US itself, which […]

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Uncertain Conclusion

On 26 May the 2022 WEF concluded not with a bang, but with a whimper. When mainstream journalists start questioning the usefulness of the WEF, the world should listen. They asked to what extent WEFs slogan, “Committed to Improving the State of the World”, was relevant. Improving the state of the world – Really? What did […]

Paris Lost Direction or What’s going on in Mali?

Franco-Mali relations have been feverish for the past two years, following the August (2020) coup in Mali, when President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta was replaced by the military. And for an outside observer it looks like a bout of split personality in Paris. France has announced, since June 2021, through the mouth of its President E. Macron, […]

Washington’s Shifting Taiwan Policy Aims for an Asian “Ukraine”

The United States is openly talking about its arming of Taiwan no longer in general terms of ensuring “sufficient self-defense,” but rather specifically to “win against China,” thus confirming Beijing’s longstanding claims that Washington has been provoking conflict in what is China’s internal political affairs recognized as such by even the US and its official […]

NATO’s Mission Imperative: Break Russia Even If Millions Worldwide Perish

“There can be no peace in Europe without Russia” was once the mantra of European political philosophers. Now, the desperate liberal order is determined to smother out this logic with all or nothing propaganda and a proxy war NATO strategists say will weaken Russia. Unfortunately, their strategy will probably starve half the world to death. […]

South Africa and the Special Military Operation in Ukraine

Relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Africa, which have always been cordial, are now being put to the test. This is due to the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. Many countries around the world are engaged in a public debate about Russia’s actions. South Africa, considered one of […]