
Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Lobbyists

In the 1970s, Gallup began polling to see what Americans think of honesty and ethics in various professions. Generally speaking, nurses have toped the list. And towards the bottom have been business executives and stockbrokers (each with a 32% low or very low rating), advertising practitioners (37%), car salespeople (44%) telemarketers (56%), and members of Congress (58%).In 2007, they may have been looking for a profession with even less regard than members of Congress, so they added lobbyists.

Dick Gephardt And Status Quo Joe Are A Certain Kind Of Democrat-- One Where A "P" Works Better Than A "T" As A final Letter

These people all belong in prison-- but only because no one would ever agree their crimes are capital offensesDick Gephardt’s dream was to be President or Speaker of the House or very wealthy; he never made it beyond majority leader, but he sure did become very wealthy, selling access to his friends in office to the highest bidders. Now he’s one of the nation's most contemptible Goldman Sachs and PhRMA lobbyist scumbags.

Trump's Swamp Is Worse Than Even Harding's And Grant's Administrations Combined!

Last year USA Today columnist Paul Brandus reminded his readers that "We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant. We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G.

A Guest Post By Eric Ohlsen-- Cleaning Up Sacramento

Eric Ohlsen is the progressive candidate, endorsed by Blue America, running for the Antelope Valley state Assembly seat occupied by Tom Lackey, the last Republican in the Assembly from Los Angeles County. One of his top priorities is to help clean up corruption in Sacrament by getting corporate sewer money out of the electoral process.

In Biden's Disgusting, Corrupt Universe-- Let Me Quote Him Directly-- "Lobbyists Aren't Bad People"

Democratic primary voters, if you love your country, do NOT do it to us againYou know, it doesn't really matter-- in terms of electability-- that Status Quo Joe is popular in South Carolina or Mississippi or any other red hell-hole where the electorate is so conservative that Democrats have ZERO chance in 2020.