Lloyd Evans

The Fall Of Lloyd Evans

Once upon a time there was a Jehovah’s Witness named James Lloyd Evans.  Lloyd, as he is known, was born September 10, 1979, and grew up in Wilmslow, Cheshire, a third generation Witness; his mother was divorced and widowed before marrying his Witness father and converting. Lloyd was baptised into the cult on December 15, […]

The End Is Nigh For Jehovah

Last month, the decline of the Jehovah’s Witness cult was reported here. Things appear to have got worse since then. The leading anti-Witness activist Lloyd Evans has picked up another two thousand YouTube subscribers, while a former Witness has recently reported that in her unnamed city, seven of the nine Kingdom Halls are now permanently […]

Will The Jehovah’s Witness Cult Survive The Lockdown?

You’ve almost certainly heard of the Jehovah’s Witness religion, but how much do you know about it and its practitioners? You’ve probably heard of their prohibition against blood transfusions, and maybe that they have suffered official persecution at various times, but do you know why? Jehovah’s Witnesses were persecuted by the Nazis, but the Nazis […]