live longer

This is Absolutely Key to Being Immune to Stress

As you grow older, having a positive attitude about aging may make you more resilient to stress, a new study suggests.
One of the study’s coauthors, Jennifer Bellingtier, of North Carolina State University in Raleigh, said:

“Previous research has generally found the same thing, a more positive attitude is beneficial. People with positive attitudes are less likely to be hospitalized and tend to live longer.” [1]

30 Minutes of Reading a Day Could Add Years to Your Life

Past studies have shown that reading books can benefit people in a multitude of ways, physically, mentally, and intellectually. Now in a new study, people who read a book for about 30 minutes a day were found to live approximately 2 years longer than those who didn’t read at all. [1]
In previous research, curling up with a good book has been shown to improve people’s social skills by improving their ability to read the thoughts and feelings of others.

Analysis: Eating These Foods Could Extend Your Life

If you don’t get plenty of whole grains in your diet, you should. Whole grains are packed full of nutrients and complex carbohydrates that decrease insulin levels while providing sustained energy. They’re also loaded with fiber, which improves bowel health, helps regulate cholesterol levels, helps you lose weight, and helps regulate blood sugar levels.