
Thoughts for the End of Days: A Morning Star, Insatiability, DishBrain, Xenobots

He had also gone through a bad divorce, become estranged from his only daughter and been diagnosed with skin cancer, but he insisted that all of that, however painful, was secondary to the sudden realization that it was mathematics—not nuclear weapons, computers, biological warfare or our climate Armageddon—which was changing our world to the point […]

Harmless Untruths

Julien Charles In Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel Cat’s Cradle, the deadpan realist from the Midwest–the 20th century’s Mark Twain–delivers an instructive review of the way in which Americans hold scientists in exceedingly high esteem—and the perils therein. One of his characters is scientist Felix Hoenikker. Hoenikker is a partial reflection of Robert Oppenheimer, who led …

No Thanks, Thanksgiving … National Day of Sorrow … Mourning

Yep, a broken record, or to update that, another one of a million cries in the dark digital dungeon to relearn history, and unlearn the rotten past. I have been looking at the Reclaiming the Sacred since I met Winona LaDuke decades ago. That’s a whole other story. But it doesn’t matter, especially in a […]
The post No Thanks, Thanksgiving … National Day of Sorrow … Mourning first appeared on Dissident Voice.

साहित्य का विचार : अशोक वाजपेयी

अभिवादन हिन्दी इलाके को लेकर विचार-विमर्श के लिये “सन्धान व्याख्यानमाला” की शुरुआत इस शनिवार, 13 नवम्बर, को शाम 6 बजे प्रख्यात कवि और विचारक श्री अशोक वाजपेयी के व्याख्यान से हो रही है.

The Masquerade

They didn’t act like people and they didn’t act like actors. It’s hard to explain. —  J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, 1951 There’s a reason that Catcher in the Rye, published 70 years ago, has become such an iconic book, praised and condemned in equal measure. It is because it is about lying, phoniness, […]
The post The Masquerade first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Empty Gestures or Substantive Change? On the Nobel Prize in Literature and Its Discontents

The fact that Tanzanian novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah has won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature is welcome news, especially as the Swedish Academy is historically known for lacking in diversity, as if intellectual creativity is largely confined to Western intellectual circles. It is premature to suggest that the Academy has finally decided to break away […]

Three Great Stories Which Reflect the Perception of Smaller Children

Most of the great works of literature have been written from the perception of adult characters. It is seldom that a story with a small child as the main character finds a secure place in world literature, and it is even more rare to find the entire story being told from the perception of a small child. This is all[Read More...]

Sending Love to the Daughter I Always Wanted

Balance. Inside out, outside in. From science driven diving, environmental warrior in the 1970s — in AZ, in Mexico, in the Sea of Cortez —  to small-town daily newspaperman: Tucson, Bisbee, Wilcox, Sierra Vista, and all these small towns in several rural counties south, on the borderline. El Paso, New Mexico, Mexico, Central America. Teacher, […]
The post Sending Love to the Daughter I Always Wanted first appeared on Dissident Voice.

मुक्तिबोध : हृदय के पंख टूटने पर

यह मुक्तिबोध की जन्मशती नहीं है. कोई ऐसा अवसर जिसके बहाने कवि या रचनाकार पर वार्ता फिर से शुरू करने का आयोजन किया जाए. एक तरह से यह मुक्तिबोध को असमय, बिना किसी प्रसंग के पढ़ने का निमंत्रण है. हर दूसरे दिन हम मुक्तिबोध के साथ हाजिर होंगे. मुक्तिबोध शृंखला;1 “प्रिय नेमि बाबू, आपका पत्र … Continue reading मुक्तिबोध : हृदय के पंख टूटने पर →