Lindsey Graham

Is Trump Honest And Trustworthy? Most Americans Say NO-- And Most Say Fox Is The Top Source Of Fake News

Trumpanzee-- no brain surgeon-- was at least smart enough to always know he was too intellectually limited (and perhaps aware that he is deteriorating mentally too fast) to actually be a real president in anything but name. And that was fine with him. When he offered Kasich the vice-presidency, Kasich was told he would be in charge of all domestic and foreign policies, while Señor T would just be in charge of Making America Great Again.

American Liberals And Neocons Unite To Push War In Ukraine

Last January, Sen. John McCain led a delegation along with his longtime sidekick, Sen. Lindsey Graham, to a contingent of Ukrainian troops not far from the front line in eastern Ukraine. In the presence of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Graham told the soldiers: “Your fight is our fight … 2017 will be the year of offense. All of us will go back to Washington and we will push the case against Russia.”

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham wants Comey to testify again: “I smell a rat here”

Former FBI Director James Comey is in deep trouble after it was reveled last week that he exonerated Hillary Clinton after her July meeting with the FBI, well before Comey interviewed up to 17 key witnesses in the case.
According to The Gateway Pundit Senior Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina wants James Comey back in the Senate to testify once again on the Clinton email scandal.

Trump Is Making No Friends On Capitol Hill-- And That Could Hurt In An Impeachment Trial

It's widely acknowledged that McConnell and the Trump Regime bribed Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) to change her vote on the motion to proceed with TrumpCare, after all her self-congratulatory comments to West Virginia voters about how she would protect them-- even if she had to be the deciding vote to thwart the plan to kick tens of millions of Americans off healthcare. Instead she was the deciding vote in the opposite direction.

6 Americans who should be investigated for their Ukrainian ties

Incoming FBI Director Cristopher Wray has stated that he would be interested in investigating links between officials of the Ukrainian regime and the Hillary Clinton campaign.
With evidence mounting that high level officials in Kiev actively worked with the Clinton campaign to try and influence US voters, it is imperative that any future investigation isn’t whitewashed simply because Kiev’s tactics failed to win the election for Clinton.