Lindsey Graham

Graham, Menendez team up for bipartisan anti-Russia bill

RT | July 24, 2018 Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Bob Menendez (D-New Jersey) are working on a draft law that would impose sanctions on Russian sovereign debt and demand Senate approval for US quitting NATO, among other things. The two senators announced on Tuesday they will be introducing the new sanctions law “to […]

Lies About Putin, Syria and the Alawite Alliance: Christians Are Thriving in Syria

On just about every issue, in 2016, candidate Trump ran in opposition to Sen. Lindsey Graham. Donald Trump won the presidency; Lindsey Graham quit the race with a near-zero popularity, as reflected in the polls.
The People certainly loathe the senator from South Carolina. A poll conducted subsequently found that Graham was among the least popular senators.
No wonder. Graham is reliably wrong about most things.

From ‘disgusting’ to ‘treason’: Mainstream US media horrified by Trump-Putin summit

RT | July 16, 2018 The sight of US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin not attacking each other at the press conference following their summit in Helsinki sent mainstream US media into a spiral of rage. “You have been watching one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president at a […]

Lindsey Graham Warns U.S. Withdrawal from Syria Would Be “Terrible” During Surprise Visit to Manbij

MANBIJ, SYRIA – After meeting with Turkish leadership over the weekend, Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) made a “surprise visit” on Monday to Manbij, where they met with members of Manbij Military Council (MMC), a Kurdish militia that operates as part of the umbrella group, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Sen. Lindsey Graham Makes Surprise Visit to Syria, Calls for US Military to Stay

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Hawkish Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made a surprise visit to Syria on Monday, stopping off in the city of Manbij, which is held by US and Turkish forces. Graham delivered a speech clearly designed to attack the idea of a US pullout from Syria. There is no official plan for the US to withdraw from Syria. […]

Rand Paul Calls War Hawk Lindsey Graham ‘A Danger to the Country’

While U.S. senators often go out of their way not to excessively disparage their colleagues in personal terms, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) took the rare step Monday of declaring fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC) a “danger to the country.”
Paul made the comments on CNN while discussing the North Korea summit with Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room.” Blitzer noted that Graham has called for a vote on an authorization of the use of military force against North Korea should President Donald Trump’s negotiations fail.