Lindsey Graham

Trump’s bold geopolitical pivot, will the Deep State retaliate?

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and former U.S. Army Special Operations Officer and global psychological warfare counter-terrorism analyst Scott Bennett take a quick look at US President Donald Trump decision to disengage from Syria and bring American troops home. Does this mark a major turning point and pivot away from years of a failed and disastrous US foreign policy dogma in the Middle East that has left the region in ruins.

Why Did Trump Suddenly Order U.S. Troops Out Of Syria?

Military Industrial Complex Republicans seem extremely-- existentially-- upset that Trump tweeted an insinuation that he's pulling the 2,0000 American troops out of Syria. Listen to Adam Kinzinger (above) talking with Jake Tapper on CNN a few hours ago. Or to Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio (below)-- a real two for one:Many people just assumed Trump was doing his crazy Aderall-fueled early morning tweeting again and that his national security staff would talk him out of it. But...

On the Use and Abuse of Rage for Life

“These are the times that try men’s souls.” How much truer is that statement now than in 1776! We’re poised on the precipice, peering over into the crocodile pit below, where fascists swarm and writhe in sanguinary anticipation. Humanity is on the verge of losing its footing and plunging headfirst into the open maw of reptilian sadism. Where you stand, in this climactic moment of history, determines whether you are reptile or hominid.

Did Lindsey Graham's Shameless Audition And His Hissy Fits Make You Think "Alpha Male?"

Yesterday we appended most of John Pavlovitz's short essay, "Confessions of a Proud Beta Male," to Digby's Frat-Boy McDrunkFace post. I found it odd that Pavlovitz included Graham-- a bit of a flamer-- of all people, as an example of "an alpha-male." Yesterday in the NY Times, Frank Bruni featured him as the star of the saddest story in Washington.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWith all the commenting on Brett Kavanaugh and his lowlife character issues, let's not forget another major line in this sordid episode of American history. Let's not lose sight of what the Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court has rawly exposed, and that is that, to the Republican mind, sexual assault is not wrong in any way, shape or form. They don't get why anyone would be upset about it.