Lindsey Graham

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah"Hi, I'm Lindsey Graham. I'm not just complicit. I'm an accessory to treason! No, not a mere accessory. Let me be clear! I'm fully in Trump's world, now. I'm all in with the treason thing!"What does Lindsey Graham eat for lunch, now? Probably caviar and borscht, with a side of Burger King Whoppers and "Freedom Fries." Choke on it, Lindsey.Well there you have it.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahA few words inspired by $enator Lindsey Graham, the clown who serves as Trump's Official Court Jester:Not that I would advocate violence for others, but too many people just don't realize that we are in a war, a war for human rights and a war for the soul of humanity. I'll leave it to others to have their own thoughts about it, but, as for me, I have a very active fantasy life.

Senator Graham: Russia trying to turn Americans against one another

Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican, is known especially in the last year for being a most outspoken advocate for President Trump. Senator Graham gave a press conference on Monday after the Russiagate determination from Robert Mueller was released. However, listen to this clip of his press conference. (if the video starts from the beginning, go to 24:40 to hear the clip we are quoting):

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWe shouldn't be at all surprised that $enator Lindsey Graham has gone completely over to the dark side. He's a Republican. He's from South Carolina. He's got his anti-America "heritage" to protect. If he was alive during the Civil War, we know right where he'd be standing. If it was the 1770s, he'd have his lips firmly attached to crazy King George's ass.

US senators re-introduce Russian sanctions ‘bill from hell’

  Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ). ©REUTERS / Yuri Gripas RT February 13, 2019 A group of senators have introduced a bill suggesting a wide range of sanctions against Russia. The bill, sponsored by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) and Democrat Bob Menendez (New Jersey) will target Russia’s banking and energy […]