Lindsey Graham

How Many Senate Seats Will Trump's Toxicity Cost The GOP? Could Be A Solid 5, Maybe 6.

Cory Gardner got a free plane ride, but... there are no free plane ridesThere's little doubt at this point that the House is going to impeach Trump. There may even be a handful of House Republicans-- in swing districts where Trump is loathed-- who vote with the Democrats. But then... the Senate's red wall of injustice.

Trump Just Ordered All U.S. Troops Out Of Syria (Again)-- Lindsey Graham Has A Breakdown... Is This Withdrawal Good Or Bad Or Just Too Complicated For Trump To Be Involved With?

Having served their purpose, the Kurds are being fucked-over by the U.S. once again. Lindsey Graham knows how to reach Trump when he doesn't pick up his phone-- you just call in to Fox & Friends instead (above).

Pompeo blames Iran for drone attack on Saudi oil facilities, Senator Graham urges US to strike it

Via RT…
A drone attack on Saudi oil facilities claimed by Yemen’s Houthi rebels prompted Washington to blame Tehran, with US warhawk, Senator Lindsey Graham, calling for a strike against Iran.
The smoke from the huge fires at the world’s largest oil processing plant caused by the strike had barely dissipated when officials in Washington  jumped at the opportunity to use the occasion to push an anti-Iranian agenda.

Lindsey Graham: My Goal Is To Declassify FISA Warrant Applications

“My goal is to explain to you and the American public how the system failed and make sure it never happens again,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham on ‘Hannity’ show on Wednesday night.

“We’re going to pursue this in a transparent fashion,” Graham said.
“We’re going to declassify as much as we can, including the FISA warrant applications.”

How Much Of The GOP Is Going Along With The Trump-McConnell Plan To Leave U.S. Elections Unprotected From Foreign Interference?

.mcclatchy-embed{position:relative;padding:40px 0 56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%}.mcclatchy-embed iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%}A couple of weeks ago we looked at what the group Republicans for the Rule of Law is and how they are targeting the pro-Putin agenda of #MoscowMitch.

Walls are closing in on Deep State Maltese Professor Joseph Mifsud (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss U.S. Attorney John Durham and Senator Lindsey Graham have now obtained and audio deposition of Clinton Foundation tipster, and Russiagate instigator, mysterious Maltese Professor Joseph Mifsud.
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GOP Congressmen Lindsey Graham and Dan Crenshaw Join Democrats in Call for Gun Control, Sell Out Their Conservative Base Following Mass Shootings

Lindsey Graham said that he will create legislation to expand police powers to preemptively seize firearms from people believed to be a danger. The hostile and corrupt leaders in government refuse to address real problems, and instead makes them worse, and then removes the Constitutional right to protect ourselves.

Pelosi Still Didn't Condemn Trump, Just His Tweets-- What Will It Take?

Auschwitz Revisited by Nancy OhanianLast night the House voted on this Resolution of Disapproval, condemning Trump's racist comments (though not condemning Señor Trumpanzee himself-- nor even referring to him as a racist-- since Pelosi is still absolutely determined to continue protecting him from any such thing):