Lindsey Graham

Racism Takes A Pivotal Role In Determining Republican Party Immigration Agenda, According To Lindsey Graham

Matt Hildreth works for America's Voice and his tweet (above) about the GOP immigration dilemma went right to the point: are they the Party of Abe Lincoln, the Great Emancipator or the Party of Jeff Sessions, a KKK sympathizer. Yesterday, Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned House Republicans not to support the Republican leadership's plan for comprehensive immigration reform.

Sen. Graham: Israel ‘apoplectic’ about US approach on Iran

Press TV – November 11, 2013

US Senator Lindsey Graham has warned about a possible easing of economic sanctions against Iran, saying Israel is “apoplectic” about the Obama administration’s approach.
Graham, a hawkish Republican from South Carolina who has repeatedly called for military strikes on Iran, said Sunday that lifting sanctions would send the wrong message to Israel and other US allies in the region.

Lindsey Graham-- Southern Belle In Distress Over Syria Hysteria

I wonder if the polling was done before or after the above Daily Show, but in either case, Lindsey Graham's reelection prospects look difficult... at best. Over a third of South Carolina Republicans have a negative opinion of their senior senator. So a third... the crackpot nihilists and tea baggers. That leaves two-thirds who could vote for him, right?

It Must Suck To Be Lindsey Graham

Those blue counties all went for Obama last yearLindsey's dream job probably would have been Secretary of State for President John McCain. But, no, that was never to be. And now he has to spend his time upcountry, groveling to a bunch of racist teabaggers and morons in Greenville and in remote redneck bastions of Hate Talk Radio conventional wisdom like backward Oconee, Pickens and Cherokee counties.