Lindsey Graham

Trojan Horse Highlights Opposition to Fast Track of Secret TPP Deal

Opponents of fast track trade authority from Popular Resistance, Public Citizen, Communication Workers of America and Friends of the Earth rallied on Capitol Hill to welcome Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe as he came to speak to a Joint Session of Congress with a three story tall Trojan Horse. The theme of the protest was ‘No Fast Track for Secret Corporate Trade Deals’.  Banners read “No Fast Track for Secret  Trojan Treaties” and “Stop the TPP: Transparency Release the Text.”  There were also signs in Japanese which said: “U.S.

GOP presidential hopefuls woo big donors in Las Vegas

Press TV – April 25, 2015 US Republican presidential hopefuls and some other GOP lawmakers were in the state of Nevada on Saturday to attract big donors for their campaign funding. Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Texas Governor Rick Perry, Senator Rob Portman (OH), Governor Mike Pence (IN), and Senator Lindsey Graham […]

Lindsey Graham May Hate Rand Paul, But The Whole Media Establishment Hates Ted Cruz

The real housewives of Falls ChurchRand Paul already has trackers following him around. One is connected to Jeb Bush's non-campaign and one is a Democrat. And there appear to be a couple of others who show up every few days in various places and video everything Paul says. More annoying than any oppo-tracker, however, is the ole bloodhound that's stalking the campaign.


If a non-Jew had coined the phrase “Judeo-Nazism” he or she would have been verbally crucified by Zionism’s attack dogs and the mainstream Western media. The actual coiner of it was Yeshavahu Leibowitz, one of the most outspoken and controversial Jewish intellectuals of modern times. He was once described as “the conscience of Israel.” Before he died in 1994 he said “Judeo-Nazis” were on the rise in Israel. If he was alive today I imagine he would say, “They are now in control.”